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  3. BENTLEY 2480 NSW

About Bentley


Bentley (NSW) is approximately 56.94 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Bentley (NSW) was 197. The population is 50% male and 50% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Bentley (NSW) are $1400 to $1799. The most common weekly income bracket is $300 to $399 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $225 to $275.


Bentley is a suburb of North Coast, New South Wales and is about 596 kms north-northeast of NSW's capital city of Sydney. In the most recent Australian census the population of Bentley was 157 Bentley is one of the premiere destinations in New South Wales for extreme sports junkies and thrill aficionados. Right in the middle of Bentley lies the Bungabee State Forest, a massive protected landscape that has some of the best and most stunning views in the region. Bungabee State Forest also puts Bentley on the map for extreme sports enthusiasts because of the many paths and tracks that may be used for trailing and off-road driving. Four-wheel drive tours and tracks line some parts of the Bungabee State Forest. People who like these extreme sport may also ride through the forest in other vehicles, such as a motorcycle or a bicycle. Riding the bicycle is recommended if you want to explore more of the state forest at a leisurely pace. Bentley also boasts of a shopping centre and a medical centre that cater to the locals as well as the tourists who drop into the town's vicinity.

Points of Interest

Manifold Public School
Public Hall Bentley

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