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  3. IDALIA 4811 QLD

About Idalia


Idalia is approximately 3.39 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Idalia was 4438. The population is 50% male and 50% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Idalia are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $1000 to $1249 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $350 to $449.


Idalia is a rapidly expanding suburb of Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Idalia has been at one stage, a light-industrial suburb of the city, but in recent years, with the initiation of the Fairfield Waters subdivision development, the suburb has rapidly expanded (in terms of establishments) and nearly tripled in size. Idalia is situated between the suburbs of Annandale, Oonoonba, Cluden and Wulguru.

Points of Interest

Australia Post
Cafe Bambini
Domino's Pizza Charters Towers Road (Fr-Sa 11:00-01:00; Th 11:00-00:00; Su-We 11:00-23:00)
Edison Street Seafood
Evie Networks
Frank's Pizza Napoli
Gloria Jeans
Hermit Park
Hungry Jacks 22 Ross River Road
Mater Misericordiae Hospital
McDonalds Fairfield
Medicine on Edison
Mint Indian Gourmet
Mobil Walkabout Palms Roadhouse (also office for Walkabout Palms Caravan Park) 6 University Road (24/7)
Mr Young
Mundingburra Station 244 Charters Towers Road (Mo-Fr 08:00-16:00)
New Apostolic Church Townsville
Pizza Hut
Pizza Riviera
PUMA 79 Bowen Road (24/7)
Queensland X-Ray Fairfield (Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00)
Shell Wulguru
Stuart Tavern
TerryWhite Chemmart
The Spirited Goat
Wulguru Health & Wellbeing 340 Stuart Drive (Mo-Fr 08:30-12:00, 13:00-17:00, Sa 08:30-12:00)
Wulguru Pharmacy
Wulguru Police Station
Zarraffa's Coffee (05:00-22:00)

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