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  3. ROTHWELL 4022 QLD

About Rothwell


Rothwell is approximately 10.34 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Rothwell was 7165. The population is 46% male and 54% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Rothwell are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $300 to $399 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $350 to $449.


In the 2011 Australian census the population of Rothwell was 6,683 when there were 3,526 Females and 3,157 Males living there. The median age for people living in Rothwell was 38. Rothwell is a residential suburb of the Moreton Bay Region in the west of the Redcliffe peninsula, approximately 28 kilometres (17 mi) north- northeast of Brisbane, the state capital of Queensland, Australia.

Points of Interest

AAFC - No 212 (City of Redcliffe) Squadron Griffin Way
Aged Care Home
Agile Learning
Amazon Hub
Australia Post Parcel Locker (24/7)
Australia Post Parcel Locker (24/7)
Australia Post Parcel Locker (24/7)
Bay Delights
Breathe Easy Cafe
Cafe - High School
Canteen - High School
Chemist Warehouse
Chicken Xpress
Cold Rock Ice Creamery
Dan Everson Podiatry
Deception Bay bus station
Deception Bay LPO
Deception Bay Tavern
Deception Bay Uniting Church
Family Practice
Good Price Pharmacy
H Café
Horny Wombat (We-Fr 12:00-18:00; Sa,Su 10:00-15:00)
Indian Curry Place
IQ Radiology
Kebab Lovers & Pizza (Mo-Su 10:00-21:00)
Kidz Magic 12 Ellison Parade
LEAD Childcare Mango Hill Village 146 Kinsellas Road West (Mo-Fr 06:00-18:00)
Mango Hill East Station
Michel's Patisserie
Nessie's Fish Bite shop 10, 14-18 Discovery Drive
Pacific Smiles Dental
Peninsula Palms Retirement Village
Phone Wong Chinese Cafe
Rothwell Community Hall
Royal Sushi
Savoury Kitchen 142 Kinsellas Road West (Mo-Sa 11:00-14:00, 16:30-20:30; Su closed)
Senior Cafe - High School
Sesame Lane Child Care Kippa-Ring 20 Regency St
St Benedict's College
St. Benedicts Catholic Primary School
Subway Anzac Avenue
Sullivan Nicolaides
Sushi Mate
Sushi Paradise (Mo-Su 10:30-20:00)
Turkish Kebabs
Zesty Lemon Cafe

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