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About Spring Bluff


Spring Bluff is approximately 1.7 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Spring Bluff was 6. The population is 43% male and 57% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Spring Bluff are $0 to $299. The most common weekly income bracket is $0 to $149 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $0 to $74.


Spring Bluff is a suburb of Western, Queensland and is about 104 kms west of QLD's capital city of Brisbane. The postcode for Spring Bluff QLD is 4352. Spring Bluff is a locality in the Toowowomba Region, Queensland, Australia. It is situated 15 kilometres north of the city centre via New England Highway, and is adjacent to the town of Highfields. Spring Bluff is a beautiful valley tucked in the ranges north of Toowoomba and best known for its picturesque railway station. Spring Bluff Railway Station gardens are magnificent during Spring and Summer and steam train rides and a brass band concert held at the station are features of September during Toowoomba's Carnival of Flowers.

Points of Interest

Bernies Fish & Chips
BP Car Wash Highfieds
BP Highfields 10538 New England Highway
Cafe 63
Coles Express Highfields
Highfields Church of Christ 6 Highfields Road
Highfields Curry Garden
Highfields Curry Garden
Highfields Discount Drug Store
KFC (Mo-Su 10:00-22:00)
Monty Brewing Co. 10481 New England Highway
Muller Bros
Pizza Capers
Range View Hotel 10481 New England Highway
Sugar Maples

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