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  3. ST CLAIR 2759 NSW

About St Clair


St Clair (Singleton - NSW) is approximately 48.77 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of St Clair (Singleton - NSW) was 5. The population is 0% male and 100% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in St Clair (Singleton - NSW) are $0 to $299. The most common weekly income bracket is $0 to $149 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $0 to $74.


St Clair is a suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. St Clair is 39 kilometres west of the Sydney central business district, in the local government area of the City of Penrith and is part of the Greater Western Sydney region. St Clair is within view of the Blue Mountains. St Clair is bordered by Erskine Park Road to the east, the M4 Motorway on the north and Mamre Road along its western boundary. The suburb to the south and east of St Clair is Erskine Park. Considerable parklands provide open space for recreational activities and St Clair is renowned for having a family oriented atmosphere. St Clair shopping centre has recently undergone a major refurbishment with new specialty stores, a food court area, and outdoor seating. It contains medical facilities including X-ray, pathology and optometrist, food outlets, news, fashion and jewellery, electronics, the local library, and a petrol station. Two local schools border the shopping centre to the west and south, as do soccer fields to the north containing a recently constructed skate bowl. The Blue Cattle Dog Hotel is the only pub located in St Clair or Erskine Park. It is on the corner of Mamre Road and Banks Drive.

Points of Interest

Catholic Healthcare Emmaus Village
Coles Express
Colyton Hotel
Coolamon Park
Emmaus Retirement Village
Erskine Park Rural Fire Brigade
Kindilan Preschool
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Saint Clair Post Office
Saint Marys East Post Office 30 Day Street
Saint Marys South Post Office 85a Monfarville Street
St Clair Animal Hospital 1 Olliver Crescent
St Clair Branch Public Library
St Clair Erskine Park
St Mary's Presbyterian Community Church

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