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  3. TATHRA 2550 NSW

About Tathra


Tathra is approximately 20.76 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Tathra was 1675. The population is 50% male and 50% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Tathra are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $300 to $399 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $225 to $275.


Tathra is a seaside town on the Sapphire Coast found on the South Coast, New South Wales, Australia in Bega Valley Shire. It has a population of 1,622. Nearby points of interest are the Old Tathra Wharf, Mimosa Rocks National Park and Bournda National Park. Mimosa Rocks National Park starts at the northern end of Tathra Beach and runs north for about 16 km. It has five access roads from the Tathra-Bermagui main road. Bournda National Park starts at Kianinny Bay, at the southern end of Tathra, and runs south for about 13 km. There is a walking track near the coast, along most of its length. The Bega River flows into the sea at the northern end of Tathra Beach, which is about 3 km long. Tathra is said to mean "beautiful country" or "place of wild cats" in a local aboriginal dialect.

Points of Interest

Beach Break
Cliff Place Restaurant
fat tony's
Matilda Petrol Station
Mimosa Rocks Restaurant
mimosa rocks restaurant
Pizza's Up
Salt Cafe
St Martin by the Sea
Star of the Sea
Swiss Bakehaus
Tathra Beach Cafe
Tathra Hotel
Tathra Pharmacy
Tathra Police Station
Tathra Post Office
Tathra Preschool
The Wharf Local Wharf Road (Th-Su 08:30-16:00)
Wattleseed Cafe (Fr-Su 08:00-13:00)
Wild Orchid

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