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  3. WANNEROO 6065 WA

About Wanneroo


Wanneroo is approximately 20.49 square kilometres. In 2016 the population of Wanneroo was 12067. The population is 50% male and 50% female. On average the monthly mortgage repayments in Wanneroo are $1800 to $2399. The most common weekly income bracket is $400 to $499 per week. Weekly rents in the area are on average $350 to $449.


Wanneroo is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia, located within the City of Wanneroo. Wanneroo contains three primary schools: East Wanneroo Primary School, Wanneroo Primary School and St Anthony's Catholic Primary School. Wanneroo contains one high school, Wanneroo Senior High School. The Wanneroo Agricultural Show is held annually within Wanneroo, the state's largest Regional Agricultural Show. The Transperth operated bus, Number 389, runs from Wanneroo to Perth, up and down Wanneroo Road; also 467 from Whitfords Station going to Joondalup Station via Wanneroo. And the 468.

Points of Interest

Au Pair
Bar or Choice
Brookside Medical Centre (Mo-Fr 08:30-18:00; Sa 09:00-13:00)
Chicken Treat
Da Hotspot
Degrees Restaurant
Elixir Cafe
Fish and Chips
Guardian Edgewater Pharmacy Plus Newsagency
Hungry Jacks
My Junction Cafe
Nido Early School 176 Nicholas Road (Mo-Fr 06:30-18:30)
OMG Decadent Donuts
Pivit Medical Center
Puma Wanneroo Road
Rondel Family Practice
Royal Taj
Sindibad Kebab Cafe Wanneroo Road
Slice of Italy
Spear Dojo Martial Arts 12 Buckingham
Sugar & Spice Patisserie
Sun Seng Chinese
The Wanneroo Villa Tavern Dundebar Road (10:00-22:00)
Wanneroo Library Dundebar Road
Wanneroo Library Rocca Way
Wanneroo Veterinary Hospital 923 Wanneroo Road
Wanneroo Youth Centre
Woodvale Pharmacy
Woodvale Tavern
Woody's Pizza

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